Friday, June 19, 2009 |
Students: Mr. Razak, can we watch 'Chucky'? Mr. Razak: No. Students: WE WANNA WATCH CHUCKY. Mr. Razak: No, it's too violent for you guys. We are going to watch 'Princess Mononoke'. Students: WE WANNA WATCH CHUCKY. Mr. Razak: No! *Starts the Princess Mononoke movie* Students: DOWAN. Mr. Razak: You're watching it. And I have to leave the room for a while. Nobody had better switch the movie when I get back. Students: Oh. *Mr. Razak leaves the room* Art Club leader: Okay! Who wants to watch Chucky? Students: Yay!!! And so we watched Chucky. |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:51 AM |
Wednesday, June 17, 2009 |
We had live recording there. Gosh. Haha. And my feet ached in my new choir shoes. HEH. I heard a lot of praise for the soloists of Concert Choir 2. I didn't actually see them perform and only caught a glimpse of their rehearsals, but I know they're GOOD. Like, GOOD. Yaya for them. I had to switch places for some songs because I was singing different parts, so I hope it didn't look too messy on stage. The girl beside me switched places at the wrong song. When she realised she wasn't supposed to move yet she gave a squeak and scurried back to her initial position. When we were backstage, me and a few choir-mates were discussing the soloists and were wondering why Concert Choir 1 (my choir) didn't have any proper soloists (they were all in CC2). I said the teacher probably didn't think we were ready yet; we can drive her nuts sometimes, but my friend said that if there was anyone here who could do a solo performance it would be me. Then two others agreed with her. I couldn't tell you how FLATTERED I felt. It's an awkward feeling, but it's really nice to know some people think of you that way. THANKS DEARIES. You made my day that day. :) On the whole, it was really fun performing. And it's nice to know our hard works and efforts and time spent rehearsing all paid off in the end (even if it was a FREE concert AHEMAHEM). And, in a rare moment, I saw my firm choir teacher lighten up a little after the performance. She has a lovely smile. And I didn;t know she had a bachelor's degree in music education from the University of Wisconsin. Whoo boy. ALSO,,, I finally got to meet my choir friend's cousin who was said to look a lot like me. SHE DOESN'T OKAY. Fine, she has the same haircut and all but she's MORE FASHIONABLE THAN ME. THAT EES IMPORTANT. And her name is Charlene. XD Another thing: I HAVE A TERRIBLE STAGE PRESENCE. After the concert I caught up with my family and: Yi Poh 1: You were hunched on stage. Yi Poh 2: You were hunched on stage. Mama: You were hunched on stage. Brother: ... MY BROTHER ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO SAY TO MAKE ME FEEL BETTER. So the choir has given us a break for three weeks in acknowledgement for our hard work. I should be using these free Saturdays to study. Next session is on 11th July. My birthday. Haizzz... ... ... ... TODAY I WENT TO ART FRIEND AND BOUGHT COPIC CIAO MARKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YAYAYAYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy now. I can now have a wonderful time colouring art pieces. They cost four hackin' bucks each. And I actually got five of them at one go. I feel so blessed. Now only 139 more colours to go. XD THEN I WENT TO KINOKUNIYA AND GOT ANOTHER DEATH NOTE COMIC BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I mention I'm a very, very lucky girl? :) HAHA. And look at this: Looks nicer in real life. THEY ARE THE CUTEST CHOCOLATES. Hehe. Okay bye! |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:24 PM |
Friday, June 12, 2009 |
![]() Oh wow. I can't believe it's not a photo. It's a digital painting. It's an awesome digital painting. |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 4:13 PM |
Monday, June 8, 2009 |
You're in NCC camp now and won't be reading this but HAVE A FABULOUS FIFTEENTH! You've been a great friend. Never stop being the blur sotokey you are. ... EVUH. Haha kidding. HUGS! Today I got up at like one twenty in the afternoon and had a doctor's appointment at three. Then I had dinner at KFC before heading off to choir. Choir teacher was in a really good mood on Saturday's session, and it's obvious that in turn affects the enthusiasm of the whole CC1. I thought we were generally more productive that time, and it's carried on to today's rehearsal. Teacher can be really motherly. I wish she'd smile more. :) And for the lesson today I brought a celebrity magazine to give away to Natalia. She went flipping through it for the numerous pictures of Taylor Lautner, natch! XD Yeah, Taylor Lautner is cuteeeeee. Oh, and I think one of my choir mates has the most beautiful name. :) It's Sointu. Pronouce that right and you'll see how nice it is. :) Her sister has a really pretty name too. I just don't know how to spell it. XD Okay Imma gonna stop crapping and go sleep now. Night. :) |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:53 PM |
Wednesday, June 3, 2009 |
I'm having a mid-life crisis. I'M ONLY FOURTEEN AND A HALF AND I'M HAVING A MID-LIFE CRISIS. OH GOODNESS WAIT MY BIRTHDAY IS NEXT MONTH. SO I'M OLDER THAN FOURTEEN AND A HALF. SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. Seriously it's scary that time passes so fast. I better focus on appreciating what I have in life because they won't be there forever. Then maybe I'll become a happier person. CHANGE OF SUBJECT WHEEEEEEEEE! One of the most hilaious things evahhhhh. ... Betch. XD |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:59 AM |
Atrium//Profolio ♥ |
BLOOM HAVEN. Welcome! :D ♥ Browse as you please, and do leave a tag; I don't mind moderate spamming. Tags will be replied on my tagboard itself. ♥ The right click of this blog is disabled, but if you want to take anything from here, let me know and give me some credit? But leave the credits of this skin alone. ♥ I promise that I will not use this blog as a tool of bullying and all, but sometimes I can let slip one or two unneccessary remarks, so please forgive me. ♥ I respect you, whoever you are, and I hope that you in return respect me and my blog. ♥ If you don't like me, it's fine. Thanks for reading! :) I AM: Riynn, or Raii. Psychological wanderer. Fancies a walk on the road less travelled. AlienticFrontier-ed. ★ Part Anzukian, part Vytasian. ☆ Naturian and WorldPeacian. Aficionado and crafter. ♪♫♪ Complicated. There's more to everything than meets the eye. ◕ ◡ ◕ ... Oh, I have to say- I'm generally a very strange person. You've been warned. MOOHAR. |
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