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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
It's cominggggg.
Happy new year every one.
Wishing all well for 2009. :)
Riynn Chion. ♥ 6:57 PM
Saturday, December 27, 2008
New year.
September-October 2007
June 2008

August 2008

October 2008-Now

Yep, just showing some of my old paintings and drawings and sketches, a large percentage of which are absolutely BLEH. I started drawing at an unknown age, and then began taking it seriously at about ten or eleven. I sucked, and I think I still do now.The funny thing is I can't believe I used to think some of these ahemcoughcough... 'masterpieces' were beautiful. Now when I look at them I sometimes feel my bout of holiday food poisoning acting up again. It'll be a vicious cycle for the drawings I do now; I may think I do a good job on some of them now, but I know that I'll dislike them later on when my expectations of myself get higher and higher. I still have so much to learn, and I don't know how long it'll take me, but I'll learn them best I can anyway.
But past all the superficial hate and ugliness and digust, I love my drawings, all of them, both new and old. I really, really do.

It's going to be a new year soon. And we're going back to school in a few days.
Oh whoop dee doo.
But anyway, I'm going to fight hard for it, and make a couple adjustments to my attitude. The first is NOT TO HUG ANYBODY SO MUCH AND FREAK THEM OUT. Definitely. Be happy, the people who should benefit from this. *pokes Nicole*
Second is not to procrastinate.

Anyway my mother is AMAZING. Throughout this holidays we've gotten into normal mother-daughter squabbles, but she's been hiring tuition teachers for me to improve on my Math and Chinese, as well as helping me out on NYAA and choir. I'm really thankful for that.
Oh, and I want her reading speed too.

Ma: Eh, let me read Twilight.
Me: Uhm, really? I don't think you'd like it. It's very sappy and romantic.
Ma: Let me read it.

My time taken to read Twilight: 4 days (due to interruption by Aiyi and Ma's nagging about my random faults)
Ma's time taken to read Twilight: 4.5 hours. STRAIGHT.

Me: How was Twilight?
Ma: It was okay.
Me: Your favourite part?
Ma: Don't know yet. But in the movie I like how the vampire climbs up the tree with the girl on his back like Spiderman liddat.
Me: Now that you've finished Twilight, you wanna read New Moon?
Ma: No, but you can tell me what it's all about.
Me: That would be spoiling it for you, but what the heck! Edward leaves Bella, Bella becomes emo, blah blah blah.
Ma: Tell me about Eclipse.
Me: *insert moar spoilers here*
Ma: Tell me about Breaking Dawn.
Me: *insert Wikipedia summary here* Now do you want to read the book?
Ma: No.

2 days later...

Ma: Let me read New Moon.
Me: Are you sure?
Ma: Let me read New Moon.
Me: I'll lend you Eclipse as well then.
Ma: No, dowan.
Me: You know you want to read it.

My time taken to read New Moon: 20 days (due to interruption from family's nagging and procrastination)
Ma's time taken to read New Moon: 5 hours. STRAIGHT.

Me: So how was New Moon? The girl was very emo, no?
Ma: The girl is very emo. The guy is also very emo. They're so childish. Take Eclipse back. I haven't read it yet.
Me: Do you want to read it?
Ma: No.
Me: I'm too lazy to take it back now. I'll leave it in your room for the time being.

One day later...

Ma: Okay, take the books back. I've finished reading Eclipse.
Me: Whut. How long did that take you?
Ma: 4 hours.

Yowza. I took 18 days due to interruption from family's nagging, procrastination and confiscation.

Okay. I started Breaking Dawn more than two weeks ago, and I haven't even gotten past the first chapter due to maximum procrastination. My mother just started reading Breaking Dawn thirty minutes ago. And my sis borrowed my Twilight book to read for ten minutes before going to sleep. What an accomplishment for her.
Okay I'm mean. Twilight lovers can go kill me now.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:39 PM
Thursday, December 25, 2008
BYE FOR NAO. *runs away from angry mob* :)
Riynn Chion. ♥ 3:09 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
I'd just finished watching the Paramore 'Decode' video on Youtube when my brother turned on the television and that same video was playing there on MTV.

I'd just finished setting up my new printer for my laptop when Nicole asked me on MSN if I could print out her Commonwealth Essay for her.

I'd just finished printing out my completed essay when someone who could have given me comments on my work while I was writing it finally came along.

I'd just finished arranging an outing with Nicole and Charlene to watch 'Twilight' on Tuesday when my mother told me she wanted to go and watch it tommorow, three days before the outing.

I'd just finished hitting a really high note of a song when another high note hopped along and ruined my vocals completely.

I'd just finished listening to music on Windows Media Player and was about to close it for the night when an unglam video of Mona popped up and I had to watch it.

My life needs to be more evenly spaced out to prevent potential accidents from ocurring.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:09 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey. I'm back from my four-day trip from Vietnam.
I WAS going to do a post on it and how people live there and how lucky we guys really are. So very, very auntie-ish.
But, you've all been grandly saved from my nagging and lecturing by me getting struck by a bout of food poisoning.
I don't know how, I think something disagreed with my stomach in Vietnam. I didn't start feeling all bloated and nauseated until we got to the airport.
Then I started puking all over the place. The medicine that the airport clinic gave me was supposed to make me feel better, but things just got worse. And I was on the plane. You get the message.
People STARED and I felt so disgusted with myself.
The thing I hated the most about this sickness was that my stomach was just plain forcing everything out. I mean everything. My stomach was empty after a few rounds of puking, but of course I didn't want to eat anything. I had this feeling that my stomach was ripping up and it wouldn't stop. BLEH.
Okay I know I'm making all of you readers out there sick. So I shall change the colour of the words in this section to make it hard to read.

There are rules
And you do like, wanna stick on the safe side, don't you?
(Everybody go ay-yo, ay-yo, ay-yo)
That's true
But still I'm guessing that you wouldn't wanna get on my groove
(And you go ay-yo, ay-yo, ay-yo)
I'm joining in
You guys will never expect me to sit on the sidelines
(Ay-yo, ay-yo, ay-yo)
You've got some strong emotions
And you pair it up with strong intentions
Start a fight based on uniqueness
And we'll crush all competition

Ahaha this is a nice songggggg.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:38 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Haven't posted in so long.
I've done so many things over the past week or so, but now it seems that I can't remember them when I wanna type out this post.

*Goes away to think for awhile. BRB*

Okay I'm back.
First! I wanna thank Charlene and Nicole, AKA Shootie the Beef and Hermit Sotokey, for letting me test out my new webcam in convos with them.
I hope I didn't give you an eyesore with my room.
And I'm getting a notebook wrap for my laptop! :D
I spent like a half hour or so sorting through the hundreds of choices on the website, picking out those I thought were nice and upping my expectations to really high.
Finally it all came down to these two:


In the end I chose the second one. :)

I also got started on the To Kill a Mockingbird collage.
I was going to do the theme of courage when I saw that it was not on the list of themes on the worksheet given to us. So I'm not sure if the theme courage is exactly allowed in this thing.
But I'm only really worried for my Commonwealth Essay. It's super frustrating; I have the idea of what I want to write about in my head, all planned out, but I just can't put the words down in black and white. All this stress really makes me wanna go kill a mockingbird.
*Slaps self*

Anyway look at this!

Twilight has such a number of haters. Well, personally, I agree with them on some points. Twilight is a little too unrealistic, the guy is too perfect and MYGAWDHESPARKLESLIKESUNSHINEINTHESUNSHINE. The main female character can be a 'twat', as quoted from someone on DeviantART. But, I like the storyline, I like the way the author describes things (though it's a little repetitive) and I like the solutions that the author comes up with to solve problems. It's quite interesting a book and all.
Anyway the first picture made me laugh. Especially Hard.
Yep, Imma neutral about this whole Twilight Saga.

Hahaha. Whatever.
Last night I had this really strange dream. Weird, even for me. Mona was there, Charlene and Nicole was there along with the entire platoon of Part Bs. The settings kept changing, first to down the village at Aiyi's house. It was night-time, around twelve and the whole road was deserted. Charlene and Nicole were dressed in black, and were participating in some midnight charity run, something like GE. I tried to shout hello to them from the top of a stairway, but I didn't.

Then, the scene suddenly changed to an airport. Me, Mona and a group of unregonisable schoolmates along with some teachers were on a field trip there. Some really rowdy boys were there, and they were coming along for the excursion as well.
The airport looked like it was being constructed to become a shopping centre, so there were those makeshift whitewashed walls everywhere. I remember my dream-self telling Mona that I had been to this airport in 2004. Suddenly, all the teachers disappeared, except for one who told us that our excursion bags were at a very dangerous part of the airport, like the place where planes took off. We had to go get them ourselves, and we all scurried to get our bags, and I remembered that I had left a bag at the airport in 2004, and Mona went with me to find it among the huge pile of bags at the plane-take-off area. Many people had found their bags and were leaving, but the rowdy boys were still there. Suddenly, they lauched into an attack on the remaining students, beating them up and chasing them. I was running desperately with Mona to find my bag, and also trying to escape the attackers. And suddenly I realised I hadn't left anything at the airport in 2004 after all.

Seriously, what the heck! Why would I in my right state of mind risk me (and Mona's) lives just to get some stupid nonexistent bag that's probably filled up with Primary Four junk out of a stupid friggin' nonexistent airport I had never visited at all??? Not even in 2004??????

Okay who cares. Then me and Mona raced to a elevator away from the rowdy boys. One of them caught me from behind at the last second that we were entering the lift to escape. I gave a good kick at him and ran into the elevator, hoping that I had hit him in the groin.
The settings changed to a place that looked like a revamped version of my condominium. Seriously, there were posh cafes and marbled void decks and all that. I couldn't find my own house through this gigantic maze of newness, but I found a ratty man beside my letter box on the void deck, putting in a letter threatening my father to be accept an enbloc agreement. Yea, and everybody in this new... place was so unfriendly and mean. I felt... lostttt. But Mona was helping me find my own house along the way. And Nicole and Charlene somehow mysteriously appeared to help me too.

I never did see if my dream-self found my house and my family again because we were once more attacked by that ratty man and those rowdy boys, and before they could use a club to deliver a blow in my face, I woke up gasping.
I was emo for a few seconds before I feel asleep again. Sometimes dreams don't make sense, do they?

Okay anyway I have to go now.
Whoa, long post. Sorry about that!
Contradictive to a person who said she had forgotten everything at the start of this post, ne?
Alright bye!

Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:41 AM
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