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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Today went to see 'City of Ember' with Ma and Ke and Kai.
Was pretty nice, and it really held my suspense at some parts.
The ending had a really great feeling of rebirth and hope in it. Enriching.
The outside of the theater was crowded with advertisments for Twilight. Can feel the excited atmosphere for that movie building up! :)
But I'm not sure, I heard it's NC16. If so, that's sad. If not, I'll go see it then.
Even the rest of my family got a little interested in the show. They've seen me reading the books at home and I talk about Twilight a little, so yeah.
The topic of Twilight has the perfect opportunities for me to annoy my mother. :D
So, at the cinema, I watched as my Ma stood to look at the large cardboard standee of the movie.

Me: Oh, Ma, don't you think that vampire Edward Cullen is so, so HAAAANDSOME??? *Insert well-practised, dreamy, obsessive fangirl giggle here*
Ma: No.

Ho hum.
Anyway I'm really not a fangirl. I'd just like to know about the Twilight world, and I'd accept other's opinions and all.
And then after the movie ended, the rush hour had just begun and all the cabs seemed to be full, so we were walking to a strategic taxi stand to get one home and Ma and I had a pointless talk...

Me: Ma, which taxi stand are we going to?
Ma: To Forum Galleria down there.
Me: Whut? Are you sure they have taxis coming over there?? I don't think so.
Ma: Why are you always so negative????
Me: Well, somebody's got to be the pessimist here!

And then we talked a bit more about optimists.
Ah well anyways. Bye.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 6:30 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Korielle. :3
A very quick (and lousy) drawing.
Anyway Charlene, try to guess which one is Azzy. XD
Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:23 PM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Another quizzinnnnnn'
Totally ripped this from Hannah's blog. :3

1. List four random items you have
- A red file
- A green file
- A blue file
- A black file

2. Have you ever slept in the back of the car?
Yep. I spent many happy moments there getting carsick as well. :)

3. Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it?
Yea, cut it.

4. List four people you look up to the most.
- My Auntie
- Nicole, in a way... through her actions, she teaches me to watch my steps and not be so blur like her. XD

5. How many pets do you own as of now?

6. Which do you prefer? White or Black?

7. Who is your most played character?
Um... Ben 10?

8. Choose one or the other, not both: Being stuck on an island with a friend, or being stuck on an island with 5 acquaintances.
Being stuck on an island with a friend.

9. Name three aspects that tell who you are.
Wierd, definitely. Ehhhhm... stubborn, and very contradictive.

10. If you could have a power what would it be?
Teleportation, or teletransportation. It's a very versatile power if you look at it. I could find lost things by teleporting them back into my hands. Plus, I could save on taxi fares and car rides with my father.

11. Who was the last person you talked to?
Mother dear. About Math.

12. Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?
Aiyi. On the phone.

13. Write down the first five words that pop into your mind:
My mind is horrifically inactive.

14. What’s one thing you wish you could do better?
Isn't that right, Charlene?!!?

15. Do you like the way you are?
Sometimes. Sometimes not. Mostly not, usually.

16. Choose, Summer or winter?

17. Rain or snow?

18. Water or ice?

19. List two odd things about yourself.
- For a member of the Naturia society, at times in my room I find a strange joy in killing ants, a vital part of the ecosystem.
- When I kill innocent ants I pinch them first, and then rub hard at them between my fingers just to be sure they die, and then flick them into the toilet for another safety measure that they'll be well gone. Anything if not thorough.

Then I regret it. Sorry.

20. Which are two of your bad habits?
Um ehrrr... being a perfectionist and being paranoid. WHY DID YOU ASK ME THAT?!!? TELL ME NOW BEFORE I BITE YOUR HEAD OFF! NOW!! NOW!!!!

21. What’s 1 of your biggest pet peeves?
I cannot answer you because I just fainted in the previous question. Goodbye Earthling sanity.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:25 PM
Mine heavens.

Oh goodness. XD
Riynn Chion. ♥ 2:02 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
OMG yay so fun.
Yesterday went to the zoo with Sarah.
'Twas awesome.
We spent about seven hours there.
And we drew and took a lot of pictures, which I am too lazy to upload right now.
We spent a LOT of time at the Maned Wolf enclosure, to satisfy Sarah's love for the canines. We spent like half an hour there taking pictures and videos, and after that throughout we kept coming back to see him.
... and the Cheetahs too.
Sarah called the male wolf Lobo, and then Haru, and then Kitty (as a nickname).
But we stuck with Lobo anyways. Sarah also called the female Luna.
And then it was really cool. The male wolf killed a stray rat in front of us and then tried to flirt with the female wolf, and she made a really angry sound at him. I got a little scared at that point. Luna strode off into the bushes, while Lobo went to sulk in his den.

Us (to Lobo): She doesn't want you, you sly dog, you! Go cry, emo wolf.

Oh, during the visit, I realised that I was wrong about my suckiness in drawing animals. Truth was, I was much, much worse.
Sarah can draw like, supersuper well.
At the lion exhibit I tried drawing the lion's mane, and then its face, and in the end I just gave up altogether and turned the drawing into this human guy's face with very fiery hairdo.

Me: Actually, he doesn't look half bad yea (for a ten second sketch)? Should I call him Azzy?
Sarah: Yeah, you should.
Me: No, I think I'll call him Edward Cullen.
Sarah: Nooooooooooo.
Me: But...
Sarah: Alright, go ahead and call him Edward Cullen then.

So yeah, after we exited the zoo, we bought Ben and Jerry's. :)
And after I got home I stayed up to about 1 plus chatting on MSN with Sarah. :)

And today! Was the day! Of the choir audition! :O
I had to sing a Latin song with another choir member. I was really nervous and wavered a bit at some points, but at least the judges understood and told us to calm down.
Then I had to read notes and all. I don't think I can pass the audition.
Results come out in the first week of December.
Time to buy sedatives for myself.
Oh, and my new Ben 10 figurine went missing today as well.
And I realised that the Edward Cullen in my sketchbook wasn't so nice after all.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:08 AM
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Many things...
Me: Oh, Aiyi, I'm going out to the zoo on Friday, with Sarah M..
Aiyi: What?
Me: I'm going to the zoo.
Aiyi: With who?
Me: With Sarah M..
Aiyi: What? Oh, you're going with that Nicole... Nicolette?
Me: No, with Sarah M..
Aiyi: She's that one who lives in Woodlands right?
Me: No, Aiyi! That's Charlene!
Aiyi: Oh, which school is she (Sarah) from?
Me: SCGS, Aiyi.
Aiyi: What? Oh I know, she's from MGS!
Me: No! SCGS!
Aiyi: She's your schoolmate? Is she in your class?
Me: No, Aiyi, I met her through a friend.
Aiyi: What? She's the one from MGS right?
Me: No Aiyi! Sarah is my schoolmate. We are not classmates.
Aiyi: Oh okay. How old is she? Secondary Three right?
Me: Uh, Secondary Two, Aiyi.
Aiyi: Oh, she's so young.
Me: As in, she'll be Secondary Three next year.
Aiyi: Oh.


Okay, so I'm going to to zoo on Friday for a fun time with a friend, artsy-fartsy reasons and photography opportunities.
If anybody wants to secretly follow me and steal my brand-new camera or my brand-new sketchbook, they now can.

Last Sunday was the choir concert.
My brother, mother, grand-aunt and FATHER went to see me perform.
The performance was okay. But I just felt a bit the awkward seeing my family in the audience. Especially my Dad.
Haiz... I have no pictures of the performance. )))):
Then after the performance was all over we went out to eat.
My father wanted to go to some unknown, dirty and secluded place to eat. Very typical of him to ruin our plans. We had all already sort of decided to eat at Suntec. Or Orchard. I HAD TO BRING IN THE WHINING.
So, after five minutes of (my) complaining, we all ended up at Great World. I'm content with that. :)
The visit to Great World was... great.
I bumped into my choir-mate. She told me all about THAT THAT audition that the choir had been waiting nervously for the whole year. If we passed it we would go on into the main choir. She had her audition early and basically informed me on what we were going to be doing.
I'm really grateful for her and that she told me that so I can practise for the audition. It's this Saturday. I really want to get into the main choir. And I want everybody else auditioning to get in as well.
I'm nervous. Hahah.

Oh anyway, I'm into the second part of my room-cleaning.
I'm cleaning my book shelf and giving things away to charity and all.
I cleaned the drawers under my bed already. :)
Next is the bag shelf, closet and glass cabinet! :)
I still have to prepare my Sec. Three work.
I'm trying to stick to my resolution not to procrastinate.
But I am procrastinating on my leisure reading.
I'm only at page 50 of New Moon.
That's really, really bad.

Mmkay so I should go and clean up my room now, and then continue reading the book till I reach at least 150. Tonight. Am I being too amibitious? If so, fine. At least page 149, then.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:04 PM
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Run and tell THAT.
You are 42% geek/nerd.

You're as much of a geek as the rest of the world. You're normal! Be happy. Or don't be. Get a soft drink and read some Ctrl+Alt+Del.

How geek are you?
Take More Quizzes

For those of you who think I'm wierd.
SEE???? The quiz results said I was normal! Normal I tell you, I'm friggin' normal! NORMAL! NORMAL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Insert vellicating here*
Riynn Chion. ♥ 3:56 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sing to the Draw.

A failed attempt at perspective-doodling. D:
I can never seem to draw the other side of a human face and all that.
I don't even really like the way I draw them now.

Anyway choir concert is tomorrow.
Ma found out about it at the last minute, when she thought it was strange that I should be going to sing on a Sunday instead of just on Saturday.
I'm not in the habit of lying to her.
She now she insists on coming to watch me perform. ERRRK.
Now I'm really nervous, and the choir audition is next week as well.
*Swallows sedatives to cease hyperventilation*
I'm the last to audition. In a way that's good, because I can use the time before me to ease my nerves, but being the last also means that the judges might be a little tired from all the auditioning before me, and might not assess me that well.

Oh, and I'm officially dead for NYAA.
I haven't done CIP AND the physical activity.

Okay I should go.
I must finish reading Twilight by tonight!
And then I can start on New Moon! WOOT!
It's rather nice really, and pretty romantic too (I'm such a girl).
But I agree with someone on DeviantArt that Edward Cullen does wear massive amounts of body glitter in the sunshine.
Oh yeah.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:15 PM
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
On Monday I went out twith Beef and Sotokey.
It was fun to say the least. :)
Yesterday after getting on my father's wrong side (as punishment he made me kneel down and spat on me), I went out shopping with Aiyi and Kai.
I finally decided to stop living under a rock and bought Twilight at Kinokuniya.
Aiyi paid for me. :))
It's nice to know that so many months of no serious reading hasn't dulled my reading speed.
I've not finished the book yet, but I think it's pretty good.
I'll bet you Twilight fans out there reading this must be saying 'YESOFCOURSEITIS'.
From the book I also believe (fangirls' descriptions and movie posters influenced this a little) that Edward Cullen is damn right HOT.

... I look forward to reading the rest of the saga. :)

Kay bye.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 12:12 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Me: Mum, do you think, just think, that somebody can be a powerful fighter and a great military strategist, and at around fourteen years old and a girl?
Mum: Who, like Mulan?
Me: And can that somebody be really, really evil?
Mum: Who, like you?

I mean seriously! XD
Well, bad questions get bad questions, I guess.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 7:07 PM
Friday, November 7, 2008

Okay. Nobody has a messier room than me.
This was the way my desk and chair has been for over a year, since I entered Secondary school.
Seriously, I don't know what has gotten into me for the past couple years. I've unleashed my inner procrastinator to the max. I just refused to clean up my room, using homework as an very stupid excuse.
And when I entered Secondary Two, things just got worse. I added perfectionism to my list of flaws, and I was afraid to clean up because I was scared it wouldn't turn out neat enough, paired together with being too lazy to do it.
So since I'm entering Secondary Three this year, I've done some reflections and decided to stop trying to be so perfect in certain aspects of my life. Because even if I do put more effort in things such as homework, I'll end up exhausted and I won't be able to even do any work at all.
So I decided to clean up my room.
I started on Tuesday, and ended on Thursday to just clean up my desk and drawers.
I still need to clean up my shelves and wardrobe, so yeah.

Yes. I confess. I used to read Winx Club comics when I was younger.
But I dumped them after realising what a cheap storyline they had.
I mean seriously, magic fairies in scanty outfits flying around with boys and stuff. I can't believe I wasted my money buying these.
I don't mean any offense to people there, sorry.
If you look closely you can see those comics.

The cleaning up process.
My chair broke btw.

Yeap, so I really hope to do well for the new year, especially in Math and Chem. And I really, really, really hope I don't revert back to my old ways.

I don't have a picture of my cleared-up room, but it's seriously so much neater. :)
I set aside so much garbage, but before I could sort them out for recycling it was thrown away. Sigh.
Ohohoh, I found a lot of things while cleaning up.
Like my old drawings from Sec One and from the early part of this year.
At that time when I drew them, I thought they were beautiful. Now, I think they kill my eyes.
Now I'm worried for the drawings I do now. I really love them, but I don't know what I'll think of them later.
... it's scary to see how my level of expectation has changed.

And I don't know how to say this, but I actually miss sitting at my desk working. All the while I've been doing assignments on the floor because of the lack of space.

Okay! Next step is clearing my shelves and closet and setting up my new laptop and printer. :)
... what should I call my laptop? Jitty?
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:40 PM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
CTS quizzzz.
Here's a quiz! :)

There are 20 questions in this quiz, each one consisting of an incomplete sentence. End off the sentences the way you want them as an answer and tag three people when you're done!

1. I am...
Your friendly neighborhood teenaged girl with ISSUES. HELLO! :)

2. I look like...
Harry Potter gone mad.

3. I enjoy...
Art, music and cookery. I also enjoy devising alien-related wacko plans to take over the universe and blackmailing people with unglam pictures of them, but that's a different story. I'm just such a nice person. *COUGH*

4. If I saw a dying rat on the street, I would...
Scream. A helluva lot.

5. On stage in front of an audience, my performance would be...
Sing???? That's the only thing that professionals train me to do.

6. I would never take anything off the side of a road unless...
It's a diamond. Or even better, a star sapphire.

7. In my family, I...
Think my brother is scared of me at times. One (or three) relatives said he (they) was (were) scared of me too. They're probably joking, yea?

8. If my boyfriend cheated on me, I would...
Take one step at a time, there's no need to rush. It's like learning to fly...
Not really actually. I'll kick his ass, no matter how non-existent he is (seriously).

9. If someone angered me (like my boyfriend), I would...
See Question 8.

10. At a high-class tea party, I would like to have...

11. If I could change anything about myself, it would be...
The fact that I do sometimes tend to take for granted what I've got, and my perfectionist and over-competitive streak.

12. A bully comes over to me! I...
Ignore him. If he tries to hurt me I'll tell my Mummykins, and my Mummykins will give me a big hug and a nice cup of hot chocolate and permission to slaughter the bully with a lawsuit.

Oh please as if.

13. 13 is an unlucky number, and to ward off the bad luck, I would...
I already have enough bad luck as it is, thank you very much.

14. My ideal partner would be...
Someone... different, I guess.

15. One of my biggest secrets is that...
I have a bolster I affectionately call Smelly. :)

16. I want to...
Hit the flageolet register one day.
And get Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko's autographs! Along with Dante Basco's. :)

17. If I could control one of the four elements in Mythology, I would control...
Earth. It's such a beautiful element, even though I don't think I'm suited for it.

18. I have never...
Done a lot of things in life, and I want to do them now, when I still can, before I regret it.

19. My dream holiday is...
Staying in a nice little cottage on an England or Scottish countryside and flower garden, peaceful and calm. Or resting in a hammock by myself on a tropical island.

20. Last question! It's time for me to...
Watch Avatar the Abridged Series on YouTube! :D
... and clean my room.

Tag the 3!
1. Shootie!
2. Tessa!
3. Hannah!
Mmkay I'm done. :)
Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:35 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
New blogskin. :)
I think it's really nice. :))

Go watch the 'Right Here (Departed)' music video by Brandy on YouTube. http://http//www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeoVHUQuzR0
I nearly cried while doing so. It's really touching. :)
Riynn Chion. ♥ 3:31 PM
Saturday, November 1, 2008

I'm suddenly beginning to have this obssession over soup.
And I'm suddenly beginning to dislike aliens.
NOES! *Runs to http://www.seti.org/ and forces self to marvel at extraterrestrial subjects*
There has to be a way to stop this madness! *Sobs pathetically*
Or is it that I'm finally over being wierd????
Good heavens.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 4:32 PM
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