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Friday, October 31, 2008
This is for Tessa. :)
Okay, on the account of Tessa who asked me to post, I am hence updating again. :)

Ohmygwah Streaming results are released today.
My Auntie said she was praying for me the night before to get one of my top two choices. Thank you Aiyi! I love you! :D
I checked my results a while ago, but the computer is giving me very unclear things.
But it looks good. I'll go check my results again on another computer. :)
Good luck to everybody doing Streaming this year! :)

Anyway yesterday I had a bit of sore throat. It's better today.
But I'm not going to strain it. I'm not going to sing.

Beef: OMG YAY.
Sotokey: YAY!
Tessa: That's good.
Hannah: Haha I'm glad.
Mona: Woo hoo!
Other people: HALLELUJAH!!

But it might get better tomorrow so I can go for choir. Chances are high. :)

Beef: Shit.
Sotokey: Shoot.
Tessa: Oh no.
Hannah: Oh no.
Mona: Ahhhhhhhhhh.
Other people: Aw crap.

Another thing.

I might buy some tomorrow and worsen my throat. :)
And my chances to not screw up the November choir performance and audition. :))

Oh by the way, a choir-mate asked me to help her promote her blogshop. It's pretty new, and quite nice.
Just go have a look: http://shopping-isloveed.blogspot.com
Okay gtg now. Byebye.
Pansypiratecatboi FTW. XD
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:46 AM
Friday, October 24, 2008
The holidays have officially begun.
And today, as the first day of the December holidays, I went out with Beef and Tessa.
Yup, this is the start of a veeeeery productive holiday for yours truly.
As an early New Year's resolution, I promised to not procrastinate so much, try my best in everything.
Oh wait that was my resolution last year.
I didn't keep that.
Oh well.
And I also promised not to hug so much anymore.
It's going well.
Mona said she likes the new me.

Anyway, today we were supposed to watch HSM3.
I arrived like ten minuted late, but SOMEONE ELSE came TWO hours late.
Well! At least the Beef apologised.
... and let us take a few unglam shots of her. :DDD
You know, I think my phone really hates me.
I wanted to take bad pictures of the Beef, but for once my phone camera actually started functioning properly and took nice pictures.
Tessa's phone, on the other hand, likes her.
One shot, and out came a terrible picture of Beef.

So, we forgot about the movie, and went about shopping instead.
Tessa had to leave at three. :(
Bought files at Isetan, a nice book at Kinokuniya, socks and a tie at Far East...
Shootie saw this yellow shirt and kicked up a fuss on whether to buy it or not.
In the end, she did. She said she felt a whole lot better. My advice mah.
Then at Taka, we sat on a bench and began talking lor.
Then we went to arm wrestle. LOL.
Beef won four times out of six.
I beat her with my left hand, but I suck with my right.
She's powderful.
ANDNANDAND apparently, we used so much strength, the bench moved from its original postion.
I hope the lady seated at the other side of the bench didn't think we were more retarded than we really are.

Thank you MT for putting this one your blog. :)

Going to watch HSM3 with my mum and brother tomorrow after choir. Maybe sis is coming along? :)


Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:51 PM
Monday, October 20, 2008
YAYA TalentTime! :D
It was funnnn.
I was expecting to have a bit of competition and all, but in the end every class walked away with a prize, which were ALL mini lecture pads.
Oh well. I didn't think that was bad. :)
2GR got the prize for being the most energetic. :D
But a few of us thought that aside from that, WE also should have gotten the most creative, most united, most sychronised and so on. Well, SY can keep the prize for the best costume. :D
Ohoh 2GY's performance was super! :D

Aside from all the good points of this TalentTime, I felt really ugly and unfashionable, especially on stage.
I need a wardrobe makeover, like seriously. Everybody was dressed so damn well to go on stage. Except for me.
I had to borrow clothes from two classmates and all.
I had snuck into my sister's cupboard for a polka-dotted tie, and that was the only thing people ever commented on, saying it was cool.
Yea, my sister's always buying sooooo many awesome clothes. I would take some of them (doesn't matter if I ask permission, I'd always return them) but it's sad that she's not my size. I'm FLABBIER! D:
I don't know, I always feel that people are secretly looking at me, laughing at me. D:
WAIT. Is that a sign of dunno-what-compulsive-sydrome?????

Oh a happier note, I'm so glad for Okto channel.

Just some fantastic fanart off http://www.deviantart.com/. GWAH I wanna draw like that.
Oh, and just so you Avatards know, I'm NEUTRAL in my shipping. It's just that I owe it to ZUTARA here that I became more interested in the show and all.

Okay, back onto the topic, TalentTime was basically really great. It's such a great opportunity for the class to bond together. It's also about our last time together too. ):
I'm gonna miss 2GR. Sure, it wasn't as united or BOOM like 1SE and 1GY 2007, but hey, we did pretty well. :)
It was still a GReat class. :D
Kay bye.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:24 PM
Friday, October 17, 2008
I don't want to sound like an ordinary, normal teenager ranting out here, otherwise nobody will ever take me seriously in later events. So yeah.

I'm sorry Ma.
I'm really, really sorry for being so rude nowadays.
I know I should say sorry to the rest of the family too, but yeah, you're the more significant one right now, right in this situation.
As a teen, I can't understand why something like one sentence spoken by me can trigger off a long lecture from an adult like you.
I was walking around the house and consuming a piece of fruit, and you called me a pain and brought up the subject on how I failed Math.
Please, tell me how flunking a subject in school can be connected to strolling around the place eating.
What is so wrong about walking around eating??

Well, that was a few days ago.
But you're still being very edgy.
And it's putting a strain in the family.
And I know you love me, but I cannot get your way of showing it. Seriously, threatening to take me out of school if I don't take double Math? I understand that Math is important, but can I cope as one of the worst students in the world?
And please stop saying that I'm trying my best to fail Math just to spite your face and reputation. You said I was unteachable, and told me I was a goner in life. Oh, did I mention you hit me with a heavy Math textbook and cut my hair so I went to school looking like the laughing stock I have always been?
If you don't remember that, well, no surprise there.
When I answer questions and you cannot hear them, it can lead to a screaming spree, from YOU.
There's no need to shout. Like you said, I should be polite and ask people nicely. You're my senior, but you're not being very polite yourself.
And you wonder why I'm so rude.
I don't smile much anymore, do I?
I'm stressed, Ma. you are too.
Be please, trust me when I say that I'm worried for you, and I hope you don't bash your head over problems that aren't yours.
It's my fault anyway.
I know I'm in the wrong, and I know I can't admit it.
I'm just to conceited and selfish to apologise to you.
I've become cruel. I don't seem like it, but there were points in this time where I actually enjoyed playing around with the answers to questions you posed for me, mentally torturing you.
Because I thought, what's a little bit of mind games from me compared to what you've done to me?
But I'm not going to do it any longer.
So yes, I'm sorry.
But I also feel that I'm not the only one who should apologise.
Please think about this should you ever see this.
Wow look at how pointless I am.
She's yelling at me now. Again.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:32 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008

Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:17 PM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yay outings!
Today was... okay.
I had better mornings.
I had to go to school today; I overslept but I still thought I could get there on time anyway.
Well I was wrong, thank you very much.
I took the wrong bus (154A instead of 154, because that was the only ones that came along) at a late time and I ended up stranded at Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Smaaaaart.

Me: Screw it, screw it, screw it, screw it, screw it.

I decided to walk for a while (I need exercise for Pete's sake) and stopped at another bus stop along the way to wait for a 154.
I waited for a while and then I gave up, especially since I was running late. I got up and continued walking. I was considering taking a taxi, but decided not to anyway.
A few seconds after leaving the bus stop, THE FRIGGIN' bus 154 came. And I missed it. I bet the people on that bus were laughing at me like there was no shit in the world.

Me: I just want to stick a knife into somebody.


Then while walking along King Albert Park I nearly got hit by a car.
I can't believe I was that blur.
So, after giving myself a few much-deserved whacks on my head, I decided to be more sensible and sat down at the nearest bus stop to wait for a bus.
But I was still half an hour late for the presentation thing anyway. -.-
When I reached school, I didn't know where to go for the presentation, and was struck wandering around the compounds like an idiot until those from SCENTA found me and took me to the place.
Had the presentation, blah blah blah blah blah.

So what I have learnt today:
1. Never oversleep
2. Patience is a virtue.

I'll never, ever abuse those lessons.
Nah who am I kidding.

After that, I went out with Nicole and Mona! :D
Brightened up my day. :))
Got some stuff and all for school, and I bought Mamegoma and Rilakkuma (sp?) things.
I love them so mach. :3
Then watched 'The House Bunny'.
It was okay, and pretty cool.
Oh, and there was a girl called Mona in it. XD
And halfway through the movie, I realised I had forgotten to put my phone to silent mode.
... because my father called me and my ringtone blasted into the air.
After the movie Mona told me I was swearing heavily while forcefully shutting off my poor phone, but I don't remember doing that.

Oh, and at Kinokuniya (sp?) I saw the annual Ben 10 issue 2009.
It cost $22.50, a price that would make me feel guilty if I bought it.
I was heartbroken kay! D:
But I got over it after seeing that someone drew moustaches on the people in several of the advertisment pictures along the road. :)

On to another topic, I'm really glad that the exams are finally over and done with, even though I know I'll do badly and end up in single science.
My father crashed the house computer, and that was like the best thing that ever happened to me. My mother took me out and got me a new laptop. :)
Right now I'm using my father's one.
And now that the exams are bye-bye I can finally set the laptop up.
But I need to clean up my room to make space on the table for it.
Sigh. So ironic.
Shall go clean up one of these days. I'm too lazy.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 5:47 PM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Okay so there's still half an English paper on Monday


Okay I'm done being crazy.
I'll post something longer after I adjust my mentality. :)
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:20 AM
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