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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Eighteen months.
That's how long it took.
Eighteen months.
It started off as an inkling of an idea inside of my head, and over that eighteen months it developed into a detailed story in my memory.
Over that eighteen months, I planned every single thing in that story; the irony, the humour, the love, the hate, the settings, the sub-plot, the character design and trivial details.
It was to entertain myself at times when I was bored, and at other times I just felt dedicated to that story to do so.
I am proud of it.
I love the imaginary world of Anzukia.
It took effort, love and time.
I had always been wanting to write this story of mine down in black-and-white.
I have the information and thoughts in my head that I had accumulated over eighteen months.
I just don't have the skills to pen them down, and plus, schoolwork was a big piriority of my life, so that writing had to wait.
One night I said to myself that I just had to do it, I just had to type it out. I'm not getting any younger, you know. And I've always wanted to be a young author. The story had motivated me too much over that eighteen months.
So, one fateful night, after eighteen months of homework, CCAs, procrastinating and a whole lotta more crap, I finally sat down, opened Microsoft Word and started to type that detailed story, the one I love so very much.
And guess how much I've done?
Three sentences.
Riynn Chion. ♥ 6:58 PM
Friday, July 25, 2008
Something to say.
Okay, Ma's going to kill me if she finds out I'm on the internet and it's not for the purpose of homework.
She's been kinda cold to me and has been on my back when I told her about how I had to skip a lesson of choir because of N.E.mation.
The choir wouldn't mind as long as I give them a notice in advance because N.E.mation's a valid reason. I need to skip just this one lesson for my N.E.mation group. Rainne was telling me to please do so too.
Well, Ma let me skip it, but I could tell she was quite disppointed in me.
One sentence I speak can now trigger off something bad.
So I told her that I will cope with everything I have on my hands right now.
I made a commitment to study hard and I'm definately not going to break it.
I'll show my Ma that I'm not a stupid person.
She denies it, but I think that Ma feels I can't do it for N.E.mation.
I'm not allowed to go on the internet for my personal uses anymore on weekdays, and I'm only allowed an hour on weekends.
When doing homework on the com the maximum I'll get is two hours.
I feel pressured, but I'm trying to control it.
Ma's probably right. I gotta study. My results haven't been up to hers and my expectations.
I also don't want to stress her out too much. She's very busy handling work and us.
So just to say I won't be blogging very often anymore and I won't be going on MSN anymore until exams are over.
Yup, bet some of you are veeeeery happy to hear that.
So there's nothing more.



Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:09 PM
Thursday, July 24, 2008
My deviantART account will dieeeeeee if I don't post something proper up soon.
Must finish drawing of N.O.-J.C., Rainne's Elements (Earth, Water and Fire), and Class of the Titans drawing.
And there's NEmation too. Got an email on it yesterday.
Sorry, just a pointless post.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:31 PM
Today's been a pretty long day.
It's been one thing after another.
In the morning I got scolded and yelled at veeeeeery badly in the car.
I was partially in the wrong.
I'm not going to talk about it any further.
Oh yeah, I didn't bring my wallet, tissue and my handphone to school.

Then first lesson of the day was Geography.
Got our tests back.
I passed.

Then was Chinese, and had to do Compo. I overshot the lesson time and spent some of my recess completing it and giving it to Lao Shi.
Oh by the way I have to do lines for Lao Shi because I said 'SHIT' in front of her when I couldn't finish compo in the lesson time.

Then was Science, and had Practical. I didn't study much.
I dropped the same test-tube three times (wooden holder got something wrong!) and my hand was shaking and the chemicals fell all over the table and my paper got wet. Goodness knows why the test-tube didn't break. But I finished the test. HopeIpasshopeIpass.

Then there was music and I didn't do the Music Assignment. Teacher let me off along with some other girls. I'm to finish the assignment tonight and it's going fine. :)

Then there was Home Economics. FASHIONPARADEDAY!
We walked down a make-believe runway and posed for the camera in our self-designed-and-made shirts.
I did a crappy muscle-man pose. Blech.
I got full marks for design and 4 out of 5 for presentation. :D
Now there's the grading on workmanship. That's like 15 marks?? Oh dear.

Well, at least I had no CCA on that day. I went to my Aunt's house straightaway.
I put Nicole the pudding plushie on my Aunt and made Nicole tell her to love her.
My Aunt was so funny. She was so mean to Nicole. :D

Yes, another thing.
Eh I'm nice can. I wished Su Hui on the day itself on her blog. :P

I forgot what else I wanted to blog about, and I somehow don't feel like posting about what happened in Art Club, though it was SUPER FUN. :D

Kay bye.


Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:12 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm too lazy to do a long post.
And so many exciting things have happened.
Darn it.
Doing home Econs now.
I think the shirt looks okay.
I think can make a good show out of it at tomorrow's fashion parade lah.
Oh, and we did good for our Twelfth Night performance... I'm so happy for all the group members. :)
And there's Science Pratical tomorrow.
Hope I can do well.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:57 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Just... stuff.
Big Math test this Tuesday.
Loads of homework.
Oh, and I failed my Science test, thank you very much.
There goes my goal of an A1 flying out the window.
I'm going to fail my Geography and Chinese too, most probably.
Man I feel bummed.
Well, at least I got that certificate for the ACM touchstone program. :)

My aunt took me out for ice cream at Swensen's. :)
And taught me how to do proper stitches, because I'm redoing the sewing on my HE shirt.

My aunt was being obscene back at her house.
Aunt: Eh you know ar, everytime I hang out my washing, that lady above me drips water directly on it leh! One day, I'm going to saw her anus into two (highlight to read).
Me: Eee.

Yesterday stayed in the library to do Science until the library closed.
Four stories below me, I heard what seemed to be the NCC girls shouting some organised stuff.
SUPER loud.

Oh, and it's official.
I'm joining N.E.mation.
The names have been given to the teacher.
I'm with Rainne, Zahrah and Vera.
Feel pretty nervous.
I think we should go with Rainne's idea for the animation concept.
It's simple but it's also elaborate.

Twelfth Night performance on Tuesday!
My group's been practising and practising.
Glad that I have a part to play.
But we must be more serious!
I'm not the leader of this thing, but just to say something, we cannot giggle on 'not-giggly' lines on the real day, we cannot have pauses, we must memorise things for the group, we must know what we are doing, we have to have convincing actions and expressions, the audience needs to know what we are doing, we must be natural.
Woah that's a lot of things. But we as a group have already fulfilled plenty of them, and we are all already very good.
Yes, I need to improve on my soliloquy too.
I have to remember thatTHAT line.
Oh, and bang into the door while making my exit, to show how blur Malvolio is under his self-delusion and all.

That should be all.
Oh no.
This is Nicole the pudding plushie.


Riynn Chion. ♥ 7:24 PM
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A little nervous right now...
Heyyos! :)

Amanda, Chloe and Nicole are so sweet!
They got me a belated birthday present!
Thank you so much! :DDD
Anyway they got a mini Pom-Pom. 8D
Who I have affectionally decided to call Chomp-Chomp. XD
And they got me that lovely pudding plushie I've always wanted!
And that prettypretty card.
I'm really grateful. :)

Oh, and thank you Hai In for that lovely keychain and card too! :D

Anyway, today Rainne asked me if I wanted to sign up for N.E.mation and be in her group.
I was like, O_O.
I can't even do a Flash, no training, no software and you're asking me to take part in this?!!?
I didn't think I had what it took to be in that competition, and I still don't.
But in then end I agreed.
Because I wanted to have a new experience and also because I would get training in animation, which is like, so, so cool. :D
Too bad Hai In couldn't join. :(
Anyway Rainne's pretty cool. :)

We freaked the shit outta Shootie during Flag-raising today.
Me and Tessa were acting like bimbos in a beauty contest, saying in this really prissy tone:


The pronouciation was exaggerated and it sounded really funny, all-in-all.
Dunno why Shootie was like AH-AH-AH (quite a good impersonation of Chermaine :D).
Oh, and I pinned down Shootie's hands so she couldn't cover her ears.
Oh dear, how mean.
But, of course, me and Tessa aren't bimbos.
Ugh, I've never been called one in my life.
I'm serious.
Sometimes, we joke around, but really we aren't.
I'm more like the 'Aliengirl'.
Hope you get the point.

Today also got candies for those classmates in the Inter-class debate.
Just to cheer them on.
Ooh, I hope we win, I think there's a high chance. :)

And oh yes.
Because of the 'O' levels listening comprehension, Art Club was held in the Amphi, and then it ended veeeery early.
So I reached home.
Gave Nicole a BEEEEG hug.
Oh BTW, I called my pudding plushie Nicole.
Just to let you know.
I was hugging the plushie, so clear your dirty minds. XD
Nicole used to be in the Green Team in primary school, and the plushie's, well, green.
Shall end here.

Oh, and I don't know why I'm suddenly thinking of the time my father made me kneel down poured soy sauce on my head to punish me for something I have long forgotten.

Oh wells.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 6:52 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
It was my birthday.
All my close friends at school seemed to have forgotten or didn't even know.
Well, until I reminded them. And felt guilty about it because I thought I was being selfish.
Then there was a classmate who had the same birthday as me.
Everyone remembered hers.
Watching people wish her well and sing her songs, I felt kind of... envious.
I also felt kind of hurt that friends had forgotten.
Another classmate saw me trying not to tear.
Then she asked me when my birthday was.
I felt sad that I made the effort to remember other people's birthdays when they didn't remember mine.
Then I thought my thinking was somewhat like a b!+ch.
Of course, I don't blame them.
Because I'm not the most important person in the world.
So that's understandable.
But it still stung a little.
After school I went for a mini shopping session to cheer myself up.
Bought myself four presents. :)
When I got home, at least my family remembered my birthday.
But I still got scolded big time when I didn't wake up from a nap in time.
And numerous other things.
Shootie wished me on her blog. :)
And got me a unique present.
It made me laugh. :D
Well, but one thing for sure.
I don't really need presents for my birthday.
I just want to be remembered.

Anyway, today I went for Training Choir.
Then went out for lunch.
Oh by the way, I'm drawing out the cast from N.O.-J.C. as requested, but I don't know how to draw MT and Sarah. D:
Heehee, it's getting quite popular anyway. :P
Kay bye.


Riynn Chion. ♥ 12:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's another Wedneday???
Had prefect's election doing assembly today.
Of course I'm not a nominee. :P
I voted for everybody I wanted, then I had a vote left and didn't know what to do with it.
I voted for someone people wouldn't have expected me to vote for, just to be nice and also because I think she'd make a good prefect. :)
Then during recess Shootie and Nicole discovered my talent!!
... for snorting. XD
There was loadsa laughterrrrr.
The after recess had to go for career talk.
I was in the Scientist class.
Shootie had the same as me! :D
So we sat beside each other in class.
The talk was okay, but the the lady spoke really softly, and we couldn't really get her and all.
Tried my best to stay attentive, but was doodling on my foolscap with Shootie. :P
I asked a few questions to be nice since everything was rather... uninteracive.
Yeah, but 'twas alright on the whole.

Oh, that person who left that comment on Shootie's Friendster has a screw loose.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:11 PM
Friday, July 4, 2008
Weekend and Youth Day hol..
Well, the weekend is here.
Time passes so fast.
And it's the Youth Day holiday too.
We have so much homework. D:
I'm kinda starting to hate any sort of vacation. We're always given more work because we're 'free'.
Work work work until buay tahan sia.
So is there any time to squeeze in hobbies, some fun, RELAXATION and some revision for weaker subjects?!
Don't think so.
So yeah, that's basically how I feel.
Stressed and tired.

Went to help set up the SCGS's booth in the MOE Excel Fest yesterday (at Suntec).
Then went to eat Japanese buffet with Ma.

Oh yeah, and happy belated Roswell UFO day!
Wanted to post it yesterday, but no time.
Oh well.

Things to do over the next three days
- Twelfth Night Logs for Act. 2.4 and 2.5
- Voice Training
- Revise Math
- Tuition
- Prepare Chinese, History, and Math files
- Chinese letter
- Geog. worksheet
- Science workbook
- Chinese composition corrections
- Rainne's drawing
- Go to Emy's house to do Twelfth Night project
- Study for test
- Am I leaving anything out???

Okay, this should set some of my thoughts straight.
Going to do History now.
Bye. :)

Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:38 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Random pondering.
You know, I've been wondering.
I'm just a normal teenager living a normal life and going to a normal school and having normal hobbies and normal normal who knows what else (but I do have weird obssessions and problems to deal with).
And I'm thinking.
If I were the daughter of a queen, life would obviously be so darn different from what I'm living now.
I would be an extraordinary princess staying in a grand palace with velvet beds and high teas and jewelry and if I ever wanted anything (e.g.: plastic surgery) I'd be able to get it because I'm so damn rich. :D
Seems as though if I had a chance, I would go be a royalty because I like to the different one, right???

If I was living that kinda life, I'd have a bigbigbig reputation to upkeep and I don't think it's easy.
Ahem,,, and I'm just not princess-like (I mean, come on, look at me in general!), and is it necessary to wear gowns when I prefer bermudas with T-shirts, giving me an all-round rugged look?
My mum (the queen) would faint.
And let us not forget my little obssession with aliens and outer space.
Every day I'd wake up to a room filled with with astronomy and extraterrrestrial models, and I could buy more whenever I want to because of my wealth.
Shall I go on?
Yep I won't fit in.
I just wanna be myself.
But most of all, if I were a queen's daughter, I wouldn't get to know all the wonderful people that I know now because of my status.
Like Rainne, for instance.
And yes, Shootie, even you.
Well, I wouldn't have such great people to cheer me up when I'm down and do top-scoring projects with me.
I wouldn't have them to make me laugh at any point of time.
Everybody is special.
Just having them there, so many friends of different races, religions and personalities and they all get along so well, gives me that really-awesome-happy-kind-of-feeling.

And I would gladly have that over a crown.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 6:41 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Happy 14th birthday!!!!!

Heehee... I don't know you THATTHAT well, but I really admire your self-discipline and determination (you gave up comic books for streaming year), and you make me laughhhhh. So yeah, I'm grateful for all that :). You may not be reading this, still, anyway. :P
You're a super person and I wish you well for your special day and all. :)
Hope you like the present I gave you! :D
And once again, happy birthday.

Oh, happy NCC Day too! The cadets looked so cool...

Had Art today and we did a lottttttttta things.
Mostly for the coming exhibition.
Great that we're being productive. :D



Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:05 PM
Atrium//Profolio ♥
Memories ♥
Links ♥
Say it. ♥
Dacredits ♥