Thursday, June 26, 2008 |
I couldn't go on for a few nights because I had to do Math homework. Oh dear. Anyway a lot of things have happened. June 23rd: It was the first day of school. And it sucked. ITSUCKEDITSUCKEDITSUCKED. D: There was so much homework given to us. I've been feeling more stressed up than normal lately. But I can't really complain so much because I got to see all my friends after so long. Yaya! Rainne wasn't there on the first day... she was coming back from America. Shootie got me a present from her trip to Malaysia. :D It was a beauty mirror and comb set. O_o I am not that vain! Mona: But you sure are ego. Well, pffffft. Well, uh, thanks anyway?? June 24th: Welcome back Rainne! :DDDD She really enjoyed herself in America. So lucky. :) When I went there in Primary 2, things were so damn rush. Oh well. Rainne got us presents! :D Nicole got a toy pig as a belated birthday gift... AND I GOT A BEN 10 COLLECTIBLE ACTION FIGURE WITH ALIEN-LIKE ACESSORIES!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! It's something I've been wanting for so long but I never get the chance to buy it. I was just about as happy as HuiJun was when she hugged her idol from The Click Five (well, that's what Shootie told me...). Yeaaaaa I'm wierddddddddd. Rainne bought bubble-gum-lollipops for class. And gave one to me. She's so nice. Ohohoh and Zy got me a keychain from Sabah. It's a turtleeeee. Thank you both Zy and Rainne! :D I combed my hair using Shootie's beauty set and I asked her if my hair looked neat. Obviously she said yes. XD There was Art Club and the Sec. Fours had stepped down. :( Shall miss them, and in a couple of years time it's going to be my turn to go away. ... June 25th: HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAI! :DDDDD My dear brother's seventeenth. :) My class was also celebrating the birthdays of those born in June and July. I'm a July baby. :P So in class, we ate chocolate cake from Cystal Jade. Then at my aunt's house, in celebration of Kai's b'day, we ate chocolate cake from Prima Deli. Then we all and my mum ate dinner at Swensens. Then at home we ate another chocolate cake from Lana. Then I stayed up until 2 in the morining finishing up Math. Hey, sacrificing a bit for a somebody's one-in-a-time-an-age birthday is okay. Adding on, it's a sibling of mine. Who'm I to ruin it for him? Anyway, I need to have a more healthy lifestyle. Oh yah! Saw the NCC performance in the canteen during combined recess! :DDD I don't know Gaya very well (and I don't think she knows me), but she does act very well. The show was funny, I was laughing my head off at some points. Especially at the 'toilet bowl song.' :) Shootie was acting! WOOT! As someone from the future. Ahem. Now I know she's quite a flirtatous tomboy. XP But I just couldn't understand some parts, because there was static problems with the mike, plus, some were speaking quite softly (sorry, Shootie, I couldn't really make out what you were saying)... But all in all the show was good. Wish I could've sayed to watch the Debate performance, but I had errands to run. :( Today: I stayed behind to clean up the classroom after school on my own accord. Didn't want the class to be so dirty. Then at my aunt's house I slept with my hair wet. It poofed out into a mohawk, but now it's settled down, it got flatter, my fringe is swept off to an angle and the ends are frayed. And I think I look better compared to the usual one I have. ... Okay gtg now. Bye. :) ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:26 PM |
Sunday, June 22, 2008 |
I don't want. DDDDD:::: It's been such a wasted holiday... And then there's that Twelfth Night test on Tuesday; And that horrible Geography projectI have to do on days after school. AHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 4:31 PM |
Sunday, June 15, 2008 |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Haha... the new Ben 10 series on cartoon network- Ben 10 Alien Force. Downloaded all these from :). My gosh I wanna watch it sosososososo bad. FAT HOPE. I saw a promotional advertisment of it at the back of an imported Archie comic (twice), and I was so happy that it was now on television (AHEMinothercountries). ... then I remembered that I live in Singapore. Oh well. The other day in Suntec, I bought some Ben 10 (original) stickers (:D!). Heehee. I bet people who've read this think that I'm some weirdo. XD Imma bit of a fangirl... Some ask,,, 'Why do you like Ben 10 so much?' Well, it's a long story. I actually didn't have much interest in it before, that it was just some odd show that reminded me of a conversation about people with rhyming names I had with my aunt years ago (She was saying 'Ben Ten, Ben Ten, see they rhyme!'), then one day, I was bored and watched whatever was on telly (it happened to be an episode of you-know-what). Then a character of the episode yelled, 'Hey, aliens are people too!' Well! I know it's a bullshit reason, but at least this show is one of the few shows that respect those who are different a little more (heck, they still beat up aliens). I know what it's like to be the different one and sometimes, it kinda hurts. So yeah. Have to go now. Bye. :D ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:55 PM |
I CAN MAKE WORDS BIG AGAIN! :DDD And a whole lotta other things. :) Shootie's off in Malaysia and I hope she's having a good time. She'll be back on Monday. :) Yayyyy. Oh dear the holidays are nearly ended. One more week and I still have some incompleted homework. Erk. *Takes deep breath* But I can do it. :D Alright just a random post. ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:25 PM |
Friday, June 13, 2008 |
1. At what age do you wish to marry? I don't know. I also don't know if I want to marry or not... 2. Who is more important to you? [friends or boyfriends] Friends. I don't have a boyfriend, and maybe I'll never get one, and will always remain a SENSATIONAL SINGLE! (Should I laugh or cry?) 3. Who is the person you trust most? Someone in my imagination. :D 4. What music are you hooked on now? Emin3n. Especially 'The Real Slim Shady' and 'Mockingbird' :DD. 5. Are you over with your ex-boyfriend? Come here and tell me about how ugly I am and that I have never had a boyfriend. 6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after rain? Yup! 7. What is your goal for this year? Get good academic grades and be all I can be. :) 8. Do you believe in eternal love? Yes. 9. Have you ever broken someone's heart until he/she commits suicide? Errr... no. 10. What feeling do you like most? That really nice, warm and fuzzy feeling you get when somebody does something really nice for you and you know you mean something back to them. 11. What is your requirement for your other half? A person who is different from all the rest, and has a little mystery about him that only I can discover. One who isn't afraid to be himself, and my good friend and we're both comfortable with each other. But anyway it's not right to have that much expectations. 12. List out five best friends of yours. This isn't in any particular order... Shootie, Nicole, Rainne, some classmates, and the P.O.M.M.. :) 13. Do you cherish every friendship of yours? Y E S Okay? 14. What is the best word to describe you? Weird! LOL! 15. What if you were able to see ghosts and spirits? I'd first freeze in shock, and then I'd scream. And scream some more. Then I'd calm down and get myself some ice cream and tell myself it was all just a dream... then when I realise it's not, the whole cycle begins again. 16. What do you love and hate about yourselves? I like that I CAN sometimes be better than I think I am, and that I'm stronger than people think I am. But I dislike the fact that I can sometimes act like my father. 'Nuff said. 17. what have you done to please yourself? Gone shopping! Especially for stuff like Mamegoma and Nyanko Cat. Also gone on the computer for hours on end and surfed and uploaded drawings for DeviantArt. :DD 18. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be? Kindergarten. I have so many happy memories there. One thing was that I didn't have to feel embarrassed about running aroung the neighbourhood screaming at the top of my lungs and feel so free and blissful and just being me. Now as a teen, doing that is considered humiliating and since you're busier you don't get to really SMILE, and there's peer pressure too, get my drift? Sometimes you just wish you wanna be a kid again and feel that you should have treasured that time more. Plus, I used to beat the boys when it came to Pokemon and Power Rangers toys. :P 19. Have you ever felt the true meaning of love? I think so? 20. Are you afraid that the sky'll fall on your head? No. I've already experienced it countless times, so why be scared? :P Okay, that's it, I guess. I shall not post that part about tagging people and changing-the-question stuff. I'm thinking like Shootie- anybody who wants to do, do it. If you want the part I missed out, you can go get it from Shootie's blog. :) Have to go now. Bye. ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 11:31 PM |
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 |
I've been being a bit of a procrastinator and my computer has this really odd problem... and at one point, I couldn't even access anything... that was on Nicole's birthday when I wanted to blog her a post :(. Sorry. It's still giving me the same weird problem right now, but I'm trying NOT TO MINDDD. Anyway, a lot of things have happened. Soooo,,, Nicole!!!! Happy belated birthday!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD (Man, I wanna make this font bigger but the computer is now giving me some crap about whatever-I-don't-know-about-the-textbar) Okay Nicole, it's kinda late, but happy birthday, and have a fabulous fourteenth. Thanks for being my good friend, and talking to me when I have a problem, and listening to all my wierd lectures about aliens. Of course, Shootie was listening too, but this section of the post is not about her, so I won't care. XP LOL. Moving on, I'm suddenly addicted to Eminem's music, thanks to Shootie. But the music's nice lah, if you look at it in a certain manner. :) I've been told the songs somehow convey important messages about life... 'Mockingbird' is very touching. 'I'm Slim Shady Yes, I'm the real Shady All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up? Please stand up, please stand up...' :DDDDDDDDDDDD Anyway, I'm very happy that Ma's recently got me a scanner of my own. MY GOSH I'VE BEEN WANTING ONE FOR AGES. It's my birthday come early!!! :D I love her very much. :) I'll post about other things later :). And Shootie's quizzzzz. :D Got to go check on something. Bye. ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 3:59 PM |
Sunday, June 1, 2008 |
I'll be gone for four days three nights. I'll be back on Thursday at ten at night. How I wish I could buy something back for you guys, but there are certain circumstances about the airline I'm taking and so I can't carry too many things. I'll miss you guys. ~Ronyi |
Riynn Chion. ♥ 8:26 PM |
Atrium//Profolio ♥ |
BLOOM HAVEN. Welcome! :D ♥ Browse as you please, and do leave a tag; I don't mind moderate spamming. Tags will be replied on my tagboard itself. ♥ The right click of this blog is disabled, but if you want to take anything from here, let me know and give me some credit? But leave the credits of this skin alone. ♥ I promise that I will not use this blog as a tool of bullying and all, but sometimes I can let slip one or two unneccessary remarks, so please forgive me. ♥ I respect you, whoever you are, and I hope that you in return respect me and my blog. ♥ If you don't like me, it's fine. Thanks for reading! :) I AM: Riynn, or Raii. Psychological wanderer. Fancies a walk on the road less travelled. AlienticFrontier-ed. ★ Part Anzukian, part Vytasian. ☆ Naturian and WorldPeacian. Aficionado and crafter. ♪♫♪ Complicated. There's more to everything than meets the eye. ◕ ◡ ◕ ... Oh, I have to say- I'm generally a very strange person. You've been warned. MOOHAR. |
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