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Monday, May 26, 2008
I know this is kinda late...
This is pretty outdated but...


Yay yay yay!


Riynn Chion. ♥ 10:28 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
One more day to the June Hols. :D
I'm so excitedddd.
It's a day to the June Holidays!
A month of still a lot of homework... but at least I can get a little relaxation.
And for three whole weeks during that time, there's no choir training.
So my weekend is pretty free. :DD
I'm happy.
I can work on my FanFiction and DeviantART.
I can go out!
I can be the camera-person for Shootie's video! :DDDDDDDD
I can't wait. :)

So yesterday and Tuesday was the Type Two E-learning Modules.
I was doing 'Food Perservation'.
Quite fun lah.
But it was rather rushy, and the teacher was very ambitious (she admitted it herself).
It's like, we cook, then wash, then cook again, then wash again... it's very tiring.
And they took away the stools so we had to stand all the time.
I was in a group with Ruth and Lynette.
Dear classmatesss.
Ruth can cook very well. :)

On Tuesday we formed the groups.
The teacher said that two Hwa Chong boys were coming in to join us in the Module.
She was trying to find a group for them both (she wanted to split them up too), and to me, the way she asked felt like I was at a aunction that was selling puppies.

Teacher: Now, girls, which group would like to adopt a boy?
Everybody: ...

In the end the boys didn't come at all.
They went to join another Module.

Then during the Module the teacher told us we had to go buy stuff to make fruit leather roll-ups.
So after school Ruth's mother gave me and Lynette a lift to Chancery Court to buy the stuff we needed but didn't have at home.

On Wednesday;;;
I had to go help raise funds for the SiChuan earthquake victims in the canteen during my break.
People were so generous. :)
It's really touching.
But some were being very insensitive.
It's doesn't matter that you don't donate, you don't have to and we won't ever force you.
But you don't have to laugh at the victims and all either.
And some of you guys are prefects. Ahh.
Back to talking about the Module.
We made different kinds of foodstuff like jam and KimChi.
And our fruit roll-ups turned out fine.
Somewhere along the way, I accidentally cut myself on the finger with a chef's knife.
It wasn't a big deal.
Lynette cut herself too.
Oh dear.
Then at a certain point, the blood from my cut was dripping onto the table and it went onto my white P.E. shirt.
I didn't realise it at first, then when I saw it lor.
Ah well, nevermind.

Now, today.
I had to go raise funds again.
And this time Mona and Sherri were with me. :)
We managed to get quite a lot of donations.
Everybody,,, thanks once again for all your support.
I'm really grateful.
Then near the end of recess, Shootie approached me at the funds booth.

Shootie *Pops out of nowhere, somewhat banging her hands on the table by accident, and speaking rather suddenly and loudly): EH! Can I ask you something?!

Wah lao. Never even say hello and call my name ar? :D

I was shocked at this out-of-the-blue thing.
It took a while for it to register.
Then, about two seconds later...

Me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Shootie wanted to ask for coloured paper.
I gave some to her later on.

On to another topic, I finally replied Shootie's letter.
YAY!!! :D
I handed it to her today.
It's been a while since I last wrote a letter for her.
I'm sorry.

Have to go now.
Bye. :)

Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:17 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
Elective Module today!
I was doing "Colour Patterns in Jewelry' for my Type One Elective Modules.
It was so-so lah.
I must admit that I thought the trainers was rather difficult to communicate with though.
I asked them to help me with the bending of the wires and all, and they sort of made things worse.
Then my beads kept on dropping on the floor and I had to get new ones.
One of the trainers took away my earring pins to use for her own and never returned it.
I had to ask three other trainers three times before I could finally get another.
And it was already half-bent?
My first pair of earrings were lopsided.
It took a lot of effort to get them to look normal again.
And the trainers had all these assortments of beads laid out for us to choose from for our second pair of earrings, and they never ever told us we had to bring along extra money to pay for them.
A whole lot of us were complaining that they should've told us.
So then I pre-recorded my payment.
And my beads kept on breaking.
And so I had to buy some more.
And I had to pay more.
I don't even have pierced ears.


It's not right to get angry.
However, I'm ashamed to say that at some point I was venting my vengance on my poor earrings, complete with the gritting of teeth and the nutty bending of the pliers.
But I was trying and everything.

And guess what???
I'm so pleased with my jewelry in the end!!!! :))))))
Yes, it wasn't perfect, but it actually looked alright.
Plus I put so much ahemahemloveahemahem into it.
So yeah.
Talk about a silver lining behind every cloud.
Talk about ironic.

By the way, Shu Wen's and Jia Ping's jewelry are so pretty. :D

When it was time to go home, I walked to the bus stop with Shu Wen.
We saw Chermaine coming out of the computer lab.
Me and Shu Wen: Hi Chermaine!
Chermaine: Oh! Uhhh... hi! What are you here for?
Shu Wen: ... Elective Modules.
Chermaine: Oh yah hor!
Me: Are you here for your Module? What was it?
Chermaine: No, I just came to school for the air-con.
Me and Shu Wen: Uhhhh...

(Me, Shu Wen and Chermaine were walking down the spiral staircase)
Me: Chermaine, where do you live?
Chermaine: Well...
(After an extremely long pause)
Me: Chermaine? Are you okay? Do you know where you live?
Chermaine: Of course I do.
Me: Then where?
Chermaine: Wait! I'm thinking!
(After another extremely long pause)
*Chermaine is still thinking*
Chermaine: ... I don't... know...
Me: Why are you going home now when you don't know where you live?
Chermaine: Wait, do I live in Bukit Timah or Bukit Merah?
Shu Wen: Hahaha!
Chermaine: Oh yah! I live in Bukit Timah Plaza!
Shu Wen: How can you live in a Plaza?

(We three are at the bus stop)
Chermaine: What was you guys' Module?
Shu Wen *holds up earrings in her hand*: What do you think?
Chermaine: Uhhhh... oh I know! Home Economics!!!
Me and Shu Wen: Ahahaha!
Chemaine *looks at earrings in Shu Wen's hand*: Are those edible?

(Chermaine's bus arrives)
Me and Shu Wen: Bye Chermaine!
Chermaine: Bye Shu Wen, bye... *points at me* what's your name... uh... oh yeah, Ronyi!
Me: AhhHHhHHHHhh...
Shu Wen: Don't worry, these things happen.

There was a lot more quotes, but yeah, shall stop here.
Chermaine, no matter what, is a very nice person and she's a good friend. :D
She's great at cheering people up in any situation. :)


Shall post a quiz up soon if possible.
Bye. :)

Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:33 PM
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My poor paper box... D:
Okay, so I had tuition today, and my sister walked past us and then had a little chat with my LaoShi.
How nice, really. It's been a super long time since they last talked and a few years since TKM didn't need lessons by LaoShi anymore.
And so TKM stayed for a while, watching my lesson progress and occasionally helping me with words I didn't understand. :D
All the while she had unknowingly put her elbow on my that paper box I had done for Art Class.
You know that one that Mr. Razak wanted for a Cohort Art Instillation by when??
I spent like how long to do it?
Oh dear.
Ahhh... my fault for leaving it around... and it was so small some more.
Anyway, when my sis finally lifted up her arm, the box was stuck to her elbow, looking lost, lonely and miserable. Uhhh... actually it was squashed, torn and discoloured.
I stared at it for a moment.
Then I screamed.
Veryveryvery loudly.
And then my mother came out of the room and told me not to be so rude to the teacher.
LaoShi understood though.
Everything's alright now.
LaoShi gave directions on how to do a box before she left.
And as I type this, my sister's doing a new box for me.
I'm really, really grateful for them both.

Riynn Chion. ♥ 4:01 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
First post... uh... yay...
So this is my first post on a brand new blog of mine.
And I hope that I can actually keep this blog for a longlong time.
I had deleted my previous blog of, say, two months? on impulse and also because my computer had this problem that was always attacking my blog and stressing me out as a result.
Now, looking back at it, I wish I hadn't done that despite this.
That blog contained a lot of precious posts about school and all.
Yea, it was nice.
I'll miss it.
What's done has been done.

Okay... Imma very lame.
But really.
Anyway, I'm kind of proud of myself these past few days.
I'm been working quite hard.
Phew :D
Got many things doneee.
Though my group's CE presentation today was a disaster. :(
But it's not in my prime to complain.
I don't want to elaborate on it and I hope that people will just forgive and forget.
It was so tense.
However, I honestly believe my group can and will do better next time. :D

During Art Club yesterday, Mr. Razak brought in this whole collection of movies for us to watch so that we could draw inspiration for the Monster Project.
Some of the shows were super old, made before technology stepped in the movie industry.
Most of the movies had odd creatures from other worlds and so on and so on... people thought certain monsters were gross but I personally thought they were rather cool on the whole. :P
I'm very strange.

*Mr. Razak shows us 'The Dark Crystal'*
Mr. Razak: You know, I always let my 'O' level art students watch it if they want to... so they can get inspired by the way monsters move and look like...
*Mr. Razak skips through the scenes of the show very quickly using a remote control*
*Lets us watch a scene or two*
Mr. Razak: You know, sometimes the movies are so old, they're boring.

Next up was 'Labyrinth'.
Dunno how old that was.
We first watched for a while as orginally planned, then...
*Mr. Razak stops the movie* Okay let's move on to the next one.
Everybody: AHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO. Can we watch the whole thing, please?
Mr. Razak: What? You're not bored?
Everybody: Noooo.
Mr. Razak: Okay then.
Everybody: YAY!

About an hour and a half later we finished.
It was a COOL show! :DDD
I got aches because the Art Room is not a comfy theatre, but heck care lah. :)
The there was this really long Lang-Arts-like message behind this show, and it was pretty cool. Didn't expected the show to actually be one big metaphor about growing up and life.
Andand there was a place in the movie known as The Bog of Eternal Stench.
If you ever stepped in it, you would remain smelly for the rest of your life, and no amount of bathes would help you.

Sarah (Art Club): Don't ever step into The Bog of Eternal Stench. And that's exactly what MC did.
Oh dear. I'm mean.

So, seeing as we took up so much time watching one movie, we're gonna watch the others next session.
Woo! :DDDD

I ran 2.4 yesterday.
I improved, but it's not quite there yet.
Have to work harder.
Kou ran with me for support! And she already ran the last time. :O
Thank you for being there!
And thank you Zy and Shootie for specifically cheering me on.
*Hugs* *Shootie screams*
And then I was talking to Shootie about N.O.-J.C. and we were laughing like siao.

Okay, think I shall end this post here.
Bye. :)

Riynn Chion. ♥ 9:02 PM
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